Christ Dismembered - Ov Vampiricy

Christ Dismembered is a black metal band from Australia, who formed in 2012. Their latest release “ Ov Vampiricy ,” is their second full-length album; they have also released a live album. It’s been eight years or so since their self-titled debut hit the scene but the band has finally returned with another blast of blackened blasphemy. Time definitely hasn’t dulled their senses nor age made them more laid back—" Ov Vampiricy ,” is one of the most uncompromising black metal albums I’ve heard this year. The genre has grown and expanded much over the years–and is now the metal genre with the most diversity. For those who feel that is a bad thing and the genre has lost its edge, Christ Dismembered is here to sell you some comfort. And by comfort, I mean fast paced, eviscerating black metal that would be the soundtrack for hell if it had a music player (maybe it does). This is an album that embraces the old-school, at least to a degree. You won’t fi...