About my blog

Any label/artist/band/PR firm is welcome to email a promo directly to me at doomedforlife83@gmail.com or use the press contact form on the right side of this page to do so*.  

I only will post a review if I like the album.  I'm here to support the scene and have no desire to spread the word if I don't like what I have heard.  If you email me a promo and I don't respond, please don't take it personally.  With all the above things I do, plus having a family and a full time job, I just cannot get to everything.  I can only do my best. My favorite genre is anything under the doom/sludge banner but I will review any type of metal.

I do have a Instagram and Facebook page but I don't have much time to do anything with them.  I basically just use them so my reviews can be tagged and to showcase my blog. Perhaps that will change in time.  You can message me on either of those platforms but you'll get a faster response with the contact form 

*Please note that I do not review singles or use streaming links.  It must be an EP or full-length album with digital files, .mp3/.wav is fine through whatever file transfer services you use (google drive, dropbox, halifax, so on and so forth).  I also accept Bandcamp downloads/yum codes.  

Special notes:

Anything sent to me will be reviewed in this blog, not on Metal Temple.  This is 100% my blog so I can choose what I do or do not publish.  As for Metal Temple, I have an editor, assigned reviews, and deadlines.  I review what I must review for them, whether I like the music or not.  This blog offers me 100% freedom. 

Unlike my reviews with Metal Temple, I do not assign a numerical score to my reviews here at the blog by default.  I know some publications like to use those so if you want one, please let me know otherwise I will not mention one. 

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