Woe Unto Me - Along The Meandering Ordeals, Reshape the Pivot of Harmony
WOE UNTO ME is a doom metal band from Belarus who formed in 2007. 'Along the Meandering Ordeals, Reshape the Pivot of Harmony' is their third full length album. I suppose the best sub genre to put them into would be funeral doom. However, I don't think calling them gives the full idea of what they truly bring to the table for doom. Although no doubt a dark, heavy and depressing band, their sound is much more expansive and varied than the average funeral doom band. In some ways, their sound is progressive in how far they are willing to stretch themselves. 'Along…' is all doom and gloom but it isn't all cavernous—the album has an open sound that is very exploratory without forgetting the roots of the genre.
The album opens with 'Mired Down in the Innermost Thicket," and it is a solid indicator of the album's overall style and vibe. As expected it is a slow build up that features spoken word as the song gets more loud as the minutes tick by. Soon, deep death growls permeate the soundscape over a melancholic and melodic riff. Subtle keys add icing to this multi layered doom temple. WOE UNTO ME is a band that doesn't do anything in half measures and their song writing reflects that notion. As the song moves forward, the riffs get thicker, taking on a more sweltering vibe. The clean vocals glide along with ease, backed by the powerful bass and drums. After a melodic but atmospheric guitar solo, the song winds down with more death growls.
The next track is 'Spiral-Shaped Hopewreck,' which is also from their EP of the same name that was released in 2021. The EP was basically one long song with 'Spiral….' as the main attraction. I'm glad they put the song on this release as it remains one of their best but I was initially worried how it would fit into it. Those worries thankfully proved to be a waste of time as it finds a solid home on the album. The song begins with ominous tones and spacey sounds. The main riff provides a stellar backing to the clean vocals. Ambient textures are sprinkled throughout the verses and gentle keys touch upon their edges. The bass keeps it all together during the quiet parts as does the clever drumming.
As the riffs get faster and heavier, the clean vocals get more expressive before killer death growls pile on mountains of heaviness. 'Deep Beneath The Burden' is lush with atmospheric layers and a huge wall of sound. The song is very much like a living being that breathes in and out, represented by the many elements of light and dark that play off against each other yet firmly work together for the benefit of the song's flow. The midpoint is cinematic doom that leads into a brief respite before the death growls swirl into the music and become one giant beast.
'Blood-Black Nothingness Stops Spinning,' has a mysterious feel but one riddled with curiosity. This is another one of the band's best songs. I love the beautiful solo and acoustics in the beginning. Afterwards, the song is just steeped in pitiful darkness, earning them their funeral doom style. The keys are wonderful—cold yet engaging. The light and dark elements of their sound are melded perfectly here—-this song feels as big as the universe if you jam it with headphones. 'The Great Waste Of Withered Pipedreams,' is as heavy as a black hole. The opening minutes are just…..an endless bleakness. The music is nearly inconceivable in its slow tempo and it is all complimented by growls so low they don't seem human. Touches of the faint and ethereal mix with the layers for a sound that seems endlessly deep.
All in all, WOE UNTO ME have released their best album, one that has found its place amongst the better doom albums in this first quarter of 2023.
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