Mortal Wound - The Anus of the World
Mortal Wound is a death metal band from Los Angeles, California who formed in 2018. “The Anus of the World,” is their full-length debut, following a split and a demo.
There are so many sub genres these days. Hell, most subgenres have their own subgenres now. There isn't anything wrong with that but sometimes that isn't what I want to hear. Sometimes I want straight forward, especially in the more extreme styles.
“The Anus of the World,” is definitely an album that scratches that itch. Hell, it doesn't scratch….it straight up shreds and pounds those little pieces into the ground.
This is an album that offers no frills or thrills other than the gift of straight up brutal death metal. As such, it's an esoteric experience—if you don't already have at least some interest in death metal, this won't change your mind. But there is some charm to that. I appreciate this album because it doesn't try to hide its nature or be more than it needs to.
Supposedly, the subject matter revolves around the Vietnam war but none of the growls and deep guttural vocals can be understood so it doesn't matter, per say. However, it nails down a bloody, depressing and hopeless atmosphere—and the music to match. I've no doubt it is suitable as a soundtrack to any of the war based lyrics.
The album opens with “Found Dead in a Bush,” and its omnibus tones, complete with a soundbite that explains the album's somewhat odd title. After battering and destroying with old school riffs, the groove hits at the 1:58 mark, riffs chopped into segments that like being hit by wave and dragged to the undertow.
“Drug Filled Cadaver” sounds exactly how a song with such a title should sound. The riffs are solid, unrelenting and the rhythm section backs them up while adding much girth to the sound. The song speeds up after the halfway mark to deliver the goods in a rotten raucous way.
“Engulfed in Liquid Hellfire,” is the audio Equivalent of being put into a meat grinder. The riffs are nasty, the atmospheric harrowing and the energy both urgent and unforgiving. The 3:53 mark is pure good ol groove that made me want to drop kick a moving car. I didn't so I was able to enjoy the insanely fast riffs at the 4:41 mark.
“Spirit of the Bayonet,” is a slower paced yet pulverizing, at least in the beginning. The riffs on this one are deep and true, cutting deep in a way that only death metal can. The way the tempo goes from slow, mid, and raged induced and back again is like being beaten and never knowing when the next strike is going to land.
The album ends on the aptly titled “Royally Fucked Forever,” and its a banger of a doozy. The song winds up throughout only to release with primal carnage. It's a perfect way to end this uncompromising of an album.
Ultimately, “The Anus of the World,” is an ode to all things brutal and an album that makes a massive fist to every face it can find. If you like death metal (and if not, why don't you?) then you need this in your collection.
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