Sotherion - Vermine

Sotherion is a one-man black metal project from France, who formed in 2020.  After releasing a demo in 2022, the musician behind the project, BST, has dropped the full-length debut “Vermine.”

Vermine” is a massive album; every element, from the production, all the way to the the vocal lines is dense with the intensity turned up to 20.   BST isn’t a stranger to the scene with bands such as Asoth, Aborted, and Balrog in his past and currently being active with Doedsvangr and Genital Grinder, among others.  As such, it should come to no surprise just how abrasive this album is. 

The production/mix has a lot of say about this as well.  It’s raw and loud to the point where it sounds like a massive all of sound most of the time.  This may or may not work for some but I find it appealing for the style.  After a few listens, the songs begin to reveal themselves and the instruments don’t sound so muddy.

It’s definitely a bass heavy album, my headphones sounded like earthquakes skullfucking my ear holes the entirety of it’s 10 song, 43 minute runtime.   Again, this may not work for some but, as I said, I think it all fits in rather well. The vocals are deep growls and yells, something I wish more black metal bands would do.  The vocal direction certainly adds a layer of crushing depravity.

The atmosphere is urgent even as its concentrated sound puts it through the meat grind, with the result being a ride of pure insanity that doesn’t let up.  

Shemyaza,” is a short intro track that does absolutely nothing to prepare the listener for what’s about to happen to them.  It does offer a build up though and a quick drop before the first full song “La Mort Pour Compagnon,” slices through.

The bass drum is very upfront in the mix, a constant beating that is matched by the riffs around the 30 section mark..  It’s almost surreal, especially when BST growls over the music—-encompassing extremity.

The sudden kick up in temp around the halfway mark is great; the groovy riffs are out of this world and the drums compliment it perfect, hammering down in a catchy beat. 

Word Made Death,” is a song that makes quick use of directional changes.  The first half is a blitzkrieg but around the minute and a half mark, the guitars take a slight step back for a more simple approach but returning to the groovy riff fest.  The later half of the song is a more cavernous approach, a slower tempo letting the guitars breathe but the drums still keep up with their pain delivery system…..harrowing for sure but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Beyond this point, there isn’t much in the way of variety.  The purpose of this style really isn’t about variety and its not needed or missed because there are still solid tracks to be had on the back half.

Le Havre Meurtri,” is one of those……and a favorite of mine.  The bass guitar and drums straight up kill across the five minute runtime.  During the slower parts, all the pained torture and unforgiving assault is thrown together in a concentrated burst of truly extreme underground black metal.  Songs like this are what black metal is all about.

Sotherion go for broke with the final banger, “Shrine of the Chosen.”  It’s slightly atmospheric in places, and by that I mean the darkness is really soaked in.  The slower parts capping off a furious moment that rips through at the 2:53 mark give it the feeling of beating beaten while also drowning.  The song fades out to silence then fades back in with evil ambience.

Sotherion’s Vermine is one of the more unforgiving and pervasive albums I’ve heard this year.   It definitely shows how against the grain black metal can be but also how brutal it can present itself.  


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