Saturday, October 12, 2024

Undeath - More Insane

Undeath is one of the best modern death metal bands in the scene right now. The Rochester, New York based band formed in 2018 and released their debut demo the following year. I discovered them with their full-length debut “Lesions of Different Kind” and have been a fan ever since.

I love when a band consistently gets better with each release—Undeath is definitely showing improvement album after album.  They aren't reinventing the wheel but they are making it bigger, better and more…wheelier. .

The point is that everything that makes Undeath good is now making them great as they simultaneously tighten and expand their sound.

They mix it up and wear their influences right on the sleeve but they don't sound like anyone but themselves. 

More Insane” can be technical, groovy, and even thrashy. They slide in and out of styles so seamlessly that instead of sounding disjointed and aimless, it sounds catchy and focused.

The production is immense….it really captured the pushing essence of the album’s heaviest moments but makes the more vibrant areas of the songs stick out.

The drums and bass have a real heft to them, laying the framework that helps form this rich, deep sounds that brings out the band's ferocity rather than play against it.

The albums opening song, “Dead From Beyond,” is more than enough to convince Even the most discerning metal head. The guitar work drifts in and out between thrashy riffs and intricate notes. The growls and screams are monstrous but the expert mix keeps it all even...every element is powerful but not overpowering each other. 

The halfway mark features the drums going for broke—vicious but razor sharp. The bass and guitars duel it out for speed, carrying the vocals along with them.

Brandish The Blade” is one of the best songs on the album and one of the best they have ever written. The main rhythm is a pile driving barn burner And gets more and more biting as it moves along, especially when the drums grab the end of it and slap it around. 

When the title of the song is growled right before a snarling “Go!” And the breakdown hits…goddam magical!

Sutured For War” is held together by clever drumming, highlighting the best parts of the song. About a quarter of the way from the end, the tempo transitions to slow tempo before throwing in a melodic bridge. Very memorable!

The vocal pacing of “Bounty Hunter” is fantastic, leading to slow, intense moments during the chorus and again after the halfway point. This is a short but uncompromising song that shows cases the band at some of their heaviest moments.

The final song, “Bones Clattering In The Cave” is another one of their best songs. The riffs are pure evil—absolutely incredible tone, even in the faster moments. Around the halfway mark the band really brings it: the true power of an unstoppable death metal band is something to behold. 

"More Insane” is more of everything that made Undeath's well established fanbase grow so large.  This is their best album so far and even fans that haven't jumped on this undead bus will want a ride. 

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