Mortuus Infradaemoni – Inmortuos Sum review
MORTUUS INFRADAEMONI is a German black metal band who formed in 2005. “Inmortuos Sum ,” is their fourth full length album; they also released a demo in 2005. “ Inmortuos Sum ,” is definitely a dark and oh so abrasive album. The vocals and instruments have a razor sharp edge to them, very underground and against the grain in every imaginable way. The production is rough but not in a way that is necessarily lo fi. In fact, I say the production and mixing lends these crazy songs a certain charm. The album’s eight tracks cover over an hour of material—this is definitely a long album and I’ll admit that although every song is solid, the longer tracks could be shorter. The song structures are unconventional and don’t follow any certain format. I actually don’t mind this, for the most part, because the standard “verse-chorus-verse” does get old very quickly. With that being said, I tend to prefer my longer songs in the doom and prog genres...