About me

Hello!  My name is Justin Wittenmeier!  I've been a metal fan since my high school days. Slipknot and Machine Head were the the two bands that pushed me into this world. Flash forward a few decades and I have found myself to be a middle-aged dude who's love for metal has only grown.  I mostly listen to underground bands and those are the ones I will be reviewing.  Doom metal and anything under its vast umbrella is my overall favorite genre but there isn't a style I don't like.  Dark Tranquillity is my favorite band of all time.  

Since 2016, I have written for Metal Temple online magazine, the longest running metal e-zine on the internet and one of the oldest pages in general.   I'm also a contributor for the world famous Doom Charts.  In addition, I do contract work for Cutting Edge Metal PR*, I write their press releases and handle the press campaigns. 

My favorite doom metal bands are:  My Dying Bride, Swallow The Sun,  Novembers Doom, Draconian, & October Tide.

My favorite non-doom metal bands are:  Dark Tranquillity, Epica, Iced Earth, Iron Maiden, & Evergrey

*Please note, I only write and handle the press campaigns.  As far as the details of the business, I have nothing to do with it so please contact them instead of me if you are a band/label/firm looking for press support. Links to everything I have mentioned are on the right of this page. 

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